Life Skills grades are based upon the following areas:
1. Participation and Perseverance: Contributing in a positive way and not giving up when things get challenging.
2. Work Completion and Quality: Responsibility for completing and turning in work on-time and to the best of their ability.
3. Behavior and Teamwork: Staying on task and contributing to the positive learning environment of others.
Students are expected to earn a 3 or higher in the following:
| Participation & Perserverance | Work Completion & Quality | Behavior & Teamwork |
4 | - Come to class on time everyday.
- Come with an attitude to learn.
- Share insightful ideas.
- Turn in exceptional quality of work, always on time.
| - Turn in exceptional quality of work, always on time.
| - Help and encourage others to follow rules and procedures.
- Focus on the task and what needs to be done.
3 | - Come to class on time.
- Come to class prepared with materials.
- Share thoughts and ideas with others.
- Turn in all of my work on time.
- Complete all of my assignments to the best of my ability.
| - Turn in all of my work on time.
- Complete all of my assignments to the best of my ability.
| - Follow all classroom rules and procedures to the best of my ability.
- Am on task and ready to learn.
2 | Usually-
- Come to class on time.
- Come prepared with materials.
- Could participate better.
| Usually-
- Turn in work on time, but still have room to improve.
- Complete most of my assignments.
| Usually-
- Follow classroom rules but need reminders.
- Am on task, but sometimes get distracted.
1 | Occasionally -
- Come to class late.
- Come prepared with materials.
- Participate.
| Occasionally-
- Turn work in on time.
- Complete my assignments.
| Occasionally-
- Follow classroom rules, but need many reminders.
- Am on task, but frequently get distracted.
0 | Do not-
- Come to class on time.
- Come prepared with materials.
- Participate.
| Do not-
- Turn work in on time.
- Complete my assignments.
| Do not-
- Follow rules, even when reminded.
- Focus on the task and distract others.